English Шет ел тілі
Teacher’s name name:Kasymova Z.S. 
Grade:7 D 
Theme of the lesson:        Shopping facilities
Learning objectives7.5.8.1 spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics; use present continuous forms for present and future meaning and past continuous on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectivesPupils will be able to: Spell and use vocabulary correctly in speech Use present continuous and past continuous in speech
Lesson structure
Planned timingsTeacher’s activitiesPupils activitiesAssessmentResources
Beginning the lesson 10 minORGANISATION MOMENT: GREETINGS: Good afternoon dear pupils How are you? What is the weather like today? Warming up Checking previous theme In this conditional sentence we have unreal facts (2nd conditional)In this conditional sentence we have real facts (1st conditional)In this conditional sentence we have scientific facts (0 conditional)Pupils greet teacher and answer the questionsVerbal evaluationQuestions
Main Activities 25 minMAIN PART: Introducing new theme What is it? What we are going to speak about? Introducing new vocabulary Carry the shopping – носить покупки
Shopping bag-
сумка для шоппинга
Shopping trolley-
тележка для шопинга
Get a receipt-
получить чек/квитанцию
Shopping list-
список покупок
Special offer-
специальное предложение
Check the price-
проверять цену
Pay for the shopping-
платить за покупки Pay in cash- платить наличными
Get your change-
получить  сдачу
Stand in queue-
стоять в очереди
Shopping basket-
корзина для покупок
Pay by card-
платить картой
Pay for the shopping-
платить за покупки Task 1. Read the text and match True or False sentences Clothes and Fashion I’m interested in fashion. I enjoy reading fashion magazines and going to clothes shops, but I can’t afford to buy fashionable clothes. They’re so expensive! I’ve got two or three special outfits that I wear when I go out, but most of the time I wear leggings and a T-shirt. My friends and I often borrow each other’s clothes. That way we can all wear something new but without spending too much money. (Sheila Marple) 1. Sheila thinks fashionable clothes are not very expensive
2. Sheila is interested in fashion.
3. Sheila doesn’t buy expensive clothes. Task 2. Read the text complete the sentences with the correct form in the box
Wears           reading                  thinks                      loves             buy
1. Sheila  _______ leggings 2. Sheila _______ fashion. 3. Sheila likes _______ fashion magazines. Task 3. Make 2 sentences for Past Continuous and 2 sentences for Present Continuous
Pupils listen to teacher,  answer the questions and guess the theme of the lesson             Pupils write down new vocabulary and pronounce                                         Pupils read the text and mark true/false sentences                                   Pupils write correct words                   Pupils make sentences correctlyCritical assessment               Verbal evaluation                           Formative assessment Descriptors: Write true/false sentences 3 points                 Descriptors: Write correct word 3 points       Descriptors: Make 2 sentences for Past Continuous and 2 sentences for Present Continuous 4 pointsPictures               PPT Slide 6, 7                               Worksheet 1                             Worksheet 2             Rules
Last 10 min      ENDING THE LESSON: For the feedback we will talk about “Traffic lights” -Green  The lesson is clear for me -Yellow  I have got some question -Red  I don’t understand anything Home work: Make 3 sentences for Past Continuous and 3 sentences for Present ContinuousSelf-assessmentFeedback
Касымова Зарина Сагымбаевна,
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі.
«Шоқан Уәлиханов атындағы №10 орта мектеп – гимназиясы» КММ,
Жетісу облысы, Талдықорған қаласы.

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