English Шет ел тілі
Unit:5Healthy   World
Teacher’s name:Kali Dariya
Grade:4 ENumber  present:                                                      absent:
Theme of the lesson:Healthy bodies 2
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing   range   of   general   and   some   curricular   topics; contribute a growing range of suitable words, phrases, and sentences including giving opinions during short pair, group and      whole  class    exchanges;
Assessment criteria— Identify the main points of short supported talk — Apply appropriate words, phrases, and sentences to express ideas during short pair, group and whole class work
Lesson objectives:All learners will be able to: listen to the dialogue-song about “food” and find out the main information; use topic related vocabulary to make conversation and discussion at a sentence level in class work.
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension Higher order thinking skill


Part of the lesson/TimeTeacher’s activityStudent’s activityAssessmentResources
Beginning of the lesson Warming-up 3 мин.  Organization moment : 1.Greeting. 2. Organization moment “YOU-NIQUE”  song is given  to sing and repeat the actionSS watch the video, sing a song and repeat the action on beat “Hands signals” methodWhiteboard  
Pre-learning Individual work  5 min.  Pre-listening stage: Prediction: Look at the pictures and tell the teacher what the theme of our lesson is! Show the theme   And tell the lesson objectives   2. Listen to the words, look and repeat   HEALTHY BODIES 21. Ss look at the pictures and make their prediction Get introduced with theme and new words           2. Look, listen,  remember and repeat  “Yes/No/ Stand up” method Descriptor: A learner: recognizes the words and repeats 1 pointWhiteboard   Pictures  
Middle of the lesson Pair work “Matching”  8 minWhile-listening task: Audio and video are give to listen twice. Ss listen once. Then,  listening for the second time, they match the feelings with the types of food HEALTHY BODIES 2 “What does each type of food make us feel like?”   SWIN: do the task with partner supportSs listen to the audio twice and match the foods to the feelings   Then the correct answer is given to self-check   Differentiation by support: Give less able ss a box of the words to putSelf-assessment Descriptor:   A learner: matches the feelings to the types of foods — fills in each column correctly   Total: 2 points  Whiteboard Tables, video  
Post- listening Stage   “CCQ” 3 min.    Listen and answer “Yes/No” Don’t use the words Yes means “stand up” No means “Sit down”   SWIN: answer the questions with teacher support  Ss listen to the question and answer it standing and sitting   If their answer – yes-  they stand up If it is “no” – sit  “Yes/No/ Standup”   Descriptor: A learner: — listens carefully; — answers the questions not using words    2 pointsWhiteboard Questions
Vocabulary work 2 minutesListen, point  and repeat   HEALTHY BODIES 2Ss listn, point and repeat   Differentiation  by support: Give less able student a list of words with translation in native languageDescriptor: A learner repeats the words and remembers  Smiles 4, PB ex 14 p 88
Group work   Poster   10 minTeacher divides ss into two groups and give them cards. There are food cards. Learners choose appropriate food to its team’s topic, stick it to the poster and defend.   SIWN: do the task with teacher and teammates helpSs are divided into two groups. Discuss in a group and choose the correct     Differentiation by resources:  give key words to make sentences“Eaves-dropping” method Descriptor: A learner: chooses appropriate food to the topic-  2 points — sticks it — presents it to the class — 2 points Total: 4 points  Poster, cards
Let’s play Match pair/Hot seat 5 min “Hot seat” Ss are divided into two groups. One pupil from each team comes two the blackboard. There is a picture behind them. Without looking back ss should guess what it is,  with the help of hint from the teammates during the two minutes. Which team can  guess more words will be the winner“Hot seat” Ss are divided into two groups. One s from each team comes two the blackboard. There is a picture behind them. Not looking back ss should guess what it is with the help of hint from the teammates during the two minutes. Which team can  guess more words will be the winner“Eaves-dropping”Picture, chair
Individual work   6 min    Explain the rule of some/any Each student make his/her own lunch box Putting the right word in gaps. Explain the rule of some/any Each student make his/her own lunch box Putting the right word in gaps. Self-assessment Descriptor: A learner: — fills the gap with correct words; 1 pointWorksheet
End of the lesson 3 minTo self-reflection ss  use  reflection list. They give scores for their level of knowledge according to the criteria. And share with his/her result Giving homeworkHEALTHY BODIES 2 Do the reflectionFeedback: «The Smiley» 


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