English Шет ел тілі
Unit:7School:  IT school-lyceum #28 named after  K. Kassymov
Teacher’s name:Omarbekova M.S.
Grade:7VNumber present:                                   absent:
Theme of the lesson:Natural disasters
Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to: understand specific information and details in texts within familiar general and educational topics; organise and present information clearly to others;
Assessment CriteriaIdentify some specific information and detail of short, simple texts.Interact with each other  providing a point of view on topic correctly and clearly to others.
Lesson objectives:The learners will be able to: use new vocabulary about natural disasters, discuss the stories about tornado, hurricane and tsunami;
Research questionHow to develop learners’ functional literacy through use of Scaffolding strategies?


Part of the lesson/TimeTeacher’s activityStudent’s activityAssessmentResources
Beginning of the lesson Warming-up 3 min.                           2 min.                                   2min.         General question 2 min          Organization moment: 1.Greeting. Ask about the weather. Warming up. “Saying compliments” activity. Learners say compliments to each other.  It helps teacher to make pleasant atmosphere before starting the lesson. Lead in the theme. “Prediction strategies” T. turns on the video, after having watched it asks questions. T writes on the board: Natural disasters. Introduction of the learning objectives. Teacher introduces the lesson objectives: Today we are going to read and talk about some types of natural phenomena and learn  new words; T revises words from prior lesson. “What kind of natural disasters do you know?” T turns on the “Word wall game”     General question. T asks Ls look at the pictures and say which of these phenomena are common in our country. Example: Floods are common in my country Words:  Flood, earthquake, tsunami, avalanche, tornado, volcanic eruption, lightning, hurricane, drought.   The aim: To develop Ss speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere.   Say compliments to each other.For example: You are so clever! ..       Lead in the theme. Watch the video and try to guess the theme of the lesson. Answer the questions. What is this video about? What type of natural phenomenon is it?                   Look at the board and say the definitions of the words.           Look at the pictures and say which of these phenomena are common in your country?. Example: Floods are common in my country    At the organization moment T tries to award active Ss. «The praise» method is used to evaluate Ss with phrases like: “Good job! Well done!”     Verbal assessment                        PPT1                   PPT2                 PPT3     Verbal assessment PPT4                 PPT5
  Pre-learning «Matching» method 4 min.                PRE-READING STAGE.   Presentation of new vocabulary T presents new words: trailer, collapse, shake, roar, swallow, grab, rescue, escape;  PRE-READING STAGE.   Look at the board and read new words with their definitions and write them down. Trailer, collapse, shake, roar, swallow, grab, rescue, escape;     Whiteboard   Cards   Student’s    book        PPT6
Middle of the lesson     10 min.                                           5min.                         5 min.WHILE READING STAGE. Task 1. “Graphic organizer”.  Group work. 1) Ss are divided into 3 groups and given three different texts about natural disasters. Ls have to put the parts of the text in the correct order in order to make a story. 2) Eachgroup has to read the text and complete the given table.   Characters Where? What happene? Results                . T gives feedbackWHILE READING STAGE. Task 1. “Graphic organizer”.      Work ingroups. Read the parts of the text and put them in the right order in order to make a story. Find necessary information and complete the given table.   Work as a team. After having completed the table present it. Evaluate each other according to the given descriptor.    Descriptor: -identify characters; -find out the place; -names the disaster; -tell the results;        Student’s Book     Charts          Group Assessment.    PPT7    
 POST READING STAGE.    Task 2. “Change the ending” Now Ss need to change three things in the ending of the given story.Write and say a few sentences.   T gives feedback.   T asks questions: What would you do if you were in their places? What would you feel? What should we do during an earthquake? Lightning? Hurricane?POST READING STAGE.  Task 2. “Change the ending”   You need to change three things in the ending of the given story.Write and say a few sentences.   Answer the questions: What would you do if you were in their places? What would you feel? What should we do during an earthquake? Lightning? Hurricane?T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job! Well done!”   Descriptor: — change three things in the ending of the given story; — present it to the class;  Student’s book                Charts
7 min.      Task 3. Formative test. T gives  a formative test. They have 4 min. Do the formative test. Do the test and then exchange your sheets for pair assessment according to the correct answers on the screen given by the teacher.      Descriptor: underline the correct answer; — complete the sentences with the given words:   Total: 10points  Whiteboard         PPT8        Pair assessment  
End of the lesson.          Reflection     Individual work: 5 min.FEEDBACK Giving feedback   T uses “Reflection cards” to know how many Ss got the theme.   GIVING HOME TASK Write a true story about a natural phenomenon that you have seen.Use the reflection card to show your knowledge according to the lesson Tik what you have learnt today. Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson.   Whiteboard        


-Names the phenomena.

— uses the example.

Self assessment.


read and choose correct definition to the words;

Омарбекова Мирамгуль С.Сейтжановна,

педагог-зерттеуші, ағылшын тілі мұғалімі.

Қ.Қасымов атындағы №28 IT мектеп-лицейі,

Жетісу облысы, Талдықорған қаласы.

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