English Шет ел тілі
LESSON Unit :Natural disaster School: 10
Date: 23.02.23  Teacher name: Kabylbekov B.K
Grade: 7thNumber present:Number absent:       
Theme of the lesson: Natural disaster around the world. Past continuous  
Learning objectives7.4.2.1 understand specific information  and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics; use a growing variety of conjunctions including because, since, as to explain reasons on a range of familiar general and curricular topics; present continuous forms for present and future meaning and past continuous on a range of familiar general and curricular
Lesson objectiveslearn vocabulary on topic 7b -talk about natural phenomena past continuous — identify past simple past continuous tenses
Planned timingsPlanned activitiesLearners’ activitiesAssesmentResources
Beginning 5 min    Organization moment. Good day dear! How are you? I am glad to see you here. Ice breaking and checking home task. (kahoot)Dialogue Introducing aims. Today’s aims are And so I want to introduce to the goals for today We should master vocabulary 7b Using this vocabulary, we need to be able to construct sentences in past Continuous Differences between Past simple and Past Continuous     Students say hello     Students listen carefully the goal for today’s day Moreover, note them.     Students answer  Those present people assess students for their activenessVideo The sun comes up   Aims in sheet of paper     Students’ answer
Middle 30 min                    New words Help Mum in the garden Tidy my room   Have lunch with Mum Dad Go for a walk with Aisha   watch TV with Dad play basketball with my friends have dinner sleep eat a sandwich talk on the phone play video games   read a magazine cook Бақшада анама көмектесу Бөлмемді ретке келтіру Анам әкеммен түскі ас ішіңіз Айшамен серуендеуге барыңыз Әкеммен теледидар көру достарыммен баскетбол ойна түскі ас ішу ұйықтау   сэндвич жеу телефонмен сөйлесу бейне ойындар ойнау журнал оқу тамақ әзірлеу New theme -I am going to show you different part of sentences Teacher show different parts  of sentences in Past continuous and identify   NATURAL DISASTER AROUND THE WORLD. PAST CONTINUOUS   Group work  by changing Construct sentence Kairat was watching TV at 6 o’clock yesterday evening. We were not playing basketball yesterday at 10 pm. We were sleeping. Were you watching TV?( 1 min) Contrast form Subject was/were Ving Subject was/were not Ving Was were Subject Ving?(1 min) Translate the phrases Help Mum in the garden •Tidy my room •Have lunch with Mum Dad •Go for a walk with Aisha(1 min) Verb to be Worksheets for Grade 1 | English phonics, Verb worksheets,  English grammar exercises   Individual work.( Ph. Assessment ) NATURAL DISASTER AROUND THE WORLD. PAST CONTINUOUS   Level 1-You should find suitable words Make it in past continuous and translate (8 points) Level 2- suitable words are ready Make it in past continuous and translate (6 points) Level 3- suitable words are ready and translation too Find  it in past continuous and translate (6 points)        Learn new words   Students take paper and look through and work individually             Students answer Yes/No.           Students guess the words                     Students do tasks by changing their place with group one by one group               Students choose the level they want to answer in    Feedback by applauding    Pictures     Power point Presentation                                                                 Worksheets cut from book             F. assessment  
End 5 minTotal assessment for students Do feedback. Understand today’s lesson Disaster –if you have some problems in your understanding Good weather- if you don’t have any questions       Students show disaster if they don’t understand Sunny if they don’t have any questions   
Қабылбеков  Бақыт Кахарманович,
педагог – сарапшы, ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі,
«Шоқан Уәлиханов атындағы №10 орта мектеп — гимназиясы»КММ ,
Жетісу облысы, Талдықорған қаласы.

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